University Of Technology – Post Graduate Bridge Design Course


Presentation of 5 Guest lectures and two assignments for this post graduate elective bridge design course for the University of Technology, Sydney.

Vince Scolaro and Eugenio Mayol presented five lectures for the Autumn 2022 course, including:

  • Overview of Bridges

  • Principles of Design

  • Design of Bridge Superstructures

  • Design of Bridge Substructures

  • Design of Miscellaneous Bridge Elements

This involved the preparation and dissemination of lecture notes, design criteria guidelines and worked examples together with the preparation, presentation and marking of two assignments.

Both Vince and Eugenio are proud to have been involved with this collaboration with the university and assisting young engineers develop their passion and skills in bridge design. 

Technical innovations achieved

Having this opportunity, both Vince and Eugenio were able to impart their extensive experience to the students of this course with specific recent industry examples.

Benefits to the client

Benefits included bringing latest industry experience to the teaching platform of their students with real life industry worked examples.


Vince Scolaro
Guest lecturer

Eugenio Mayol
Guest lecturer


School of Civil Engineering, UTS


M12 Motorway